Derby Publications’ photo wall under construction
August 29, 2017
The Derby Publications’ photo wall is outside of K11, the journalism room. The photo wall was created during the previous school year.
It is currently under construction but pictures will be popping up soon, so keep an eye out for cool photos.
The photo wall will showcase the photos that students have taken and the social media handles for Derby Publications. Photos will involve: sports, clubs and other events. This will also include captions and quotes from those events.
The work that is not included in the yearbook and the newspaper will be on the wall, as well. An example would be the Humans of Derby that yearbook students produced, or photos that are not used in the yearbook.
The photo wall will be updated every two weeks and will be divided by season. Fall activities as well as the social media handles will be in the center. The new season will be added to the outside of the previous one.