Lacey Smith working as CNA in phlebotomy class

Alexa Bohrer

Working in the medical field typically takes 4 years or more to receive a license, however, there is a building in the school where WSU Tech has CPR, CNA, and phlebotomy class. In these classes, you can get a license in only one semester. 

Lacey Smith is currently in the phlebotomy class, though last semester she was in the CNA class. 

“I started doing the CNA before because if I do that, then I can go into college easier,” Smith said. “And I don’t have to go through the whole process of working for nursing. It’d be a lot easier.” 

When the next semester began she immediately went to sign up for the phlebotomy course, as she likes the science behind it and the experience it would give her. 

It was a change, though, because instead of clinicals, students, when ready, would draw blood from each other as practice and to get used to taking blood, something that is very different from her CNA class.

“With CNA, you’re taking care of people,” Smith said. “You don’t have the authority to take blood or any of that with a CNA certification. With phlebotomy, you can still get a relationship with your patients.”

She is currently working as a CNA at a facility, helping others who need it and planning on becoming an EKG worker once she finishes phlebotomy.