Page 2 – Lunch-time recruiting in the commons

Luis Lozano, Video Editor

Issue 6 Page 2

During lunch, you’ve probably noticed students participating in a pull-up challenge, maybe you’ve even participated in it yourself.

“Everyone’s interested in the pull-up challenge, everyone’s interested in the push-up challenge,” junior Jordan Bishop said.

Recruiters from the different military branches set up during lunch alongside colleges that are also recruiting.

Juniors Daxon Flanders and Jordan Bishop stopped at a table for a conversation with a recruiting officer for the Marines.

“I approached him about it just cause I was curious what all it entailed. He then gave me one of the pamphlet things,” Flanders said.

The recruiter then inquired about their plans after graduation.

“He was basically just asking us questions about what we’re doing after high school and what colleges,” Flanders said. “I responded saying I didn’t know and he was like ‘the marines are always an option.’”

After the talk with the recruiter, Flanders decided enlisting was not for him.

“I read (the pamphlet) later and it looks interesting. It’s just not my type of thing,” he said.

Bishop however, has talked with multiple recruiters to see the most viable option.

“I’ve approached so many,” Bishop said.“It’s just interesting, it’s like ‘why not?’ There’s no downsides.”

After meeting with various recruiters, Bishop plans on joining the Navy.

Some students question the morality of recruiting students fresh out of high school.

“I think that students in high school are too young to be going into the military, cause it’s very deadly. There’s multiple benefits but there’s multiple downsides as well,” junior Jay Chavez said. 

The age at which people are allowed to enlist in the military begins at 17, and almost all male citizens from the ages of 18-25 are required to register with the Selective Service, which would then be used to select random males for a draft in case of crisis.

“I think you have to be at least 21, just like how you have to be 21 to drink and smoke and all that,” Chavez said.