Drama Club putting Hurricane Harvey relief show tonight

Courtney Brown

On Thursday at 6 p.m., drama club will perform stage readings in the auditorium to raise funds after Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc in Texas.

All donations will be given to Red Cross and the International Thespian Society.

“Some of it will be going to Red Cross, and the other half will be going to help different school theatre clubs in Texas to rebuild auditoriums and get them costumes, kind of replenish the supplies they lost in Hurricane Harvey,” drama club president junior Camdyn McCullough said.

The shows being read are “Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death” and “The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon.”

“It would pretty much be an open rehearsal for people to see how we do things, to see how we prepare for a show and things like that,” McCullough said.

Don Zolidis wrote both plays.

“He announced that he was going to excuse the scripts and royalties fees for shows that are devoted to helping with hurricane relief or helping the people affected by the hurricane, so both of the shows are by him,” senior Erica Doesken said.

Seniors Brittani Cook, Sydney Bradley and Mia Pascual are directing “Dystopia!” The full show will be performed during the Night of Theatre in Nov.

Senior Sydney Gregor, who is acting in the play, expects the script reading to go well.

“We’ve had a couple rehearsals reading the script so far, so I think if people are paying attention, it’ll be fine,” Gregor said. “I think they’ll understand it a lot more (during Night of Theatre) because of the props and the set-up.”

“The Hamlet Thrill-ma-geddon” is specifically for the relief show. Drama teacher Richard Shultz is directing the stage reading, with students in Repertory Theatre performing.

“I think it will go pretty well,” Doesken said. “We do have some struggles trying not to laugh, but that’s a good sign.”

Shultz came up with the idea for the Hurricane Harvey relief show. He proposed the idea during a drama club meeting.

“He was just like, ‘Hey, do you guys want to do it?’ and immediately … the entire club was like ‘Yes, let’s do this,’ and so we’re finally doing it,” McCullough said.

While uncertain of the turn-out, Doesken still has high hopes.

“It is during conferences, so hopefully people will see a poster and be like, ‘That’s cool. Might as well pop in for a bit’,” Doesken said. “Rep (Repertory Theatre) is a small class … so we don’t have that many parents who will come, and all the teachers will be busy in conferences, so I’m really hoping that maybe the students will step up, or just people passing through.”