Summer seasonal depression.
I feel like when people talk about seasonal depression, they think of it being in winter.
I can understand why people get seasonal depression in winter. The shortened days, less sunlight, it’s cold but for me and my experience, it’s summer.
When it’s summer, I feel alone and almost like a loser because I see everyone else having fun, spending the night every night while I sit in my room and scroll on my phone.
I lack interest in playing video games or going outside and playing with my sister or dog.
I’ll have a good day with my friends, then the next day, I’m bedridden.
It’s like I’m trapped in bed and I can’t escape no matter how much I want to.
I’m out of a routine, I don’t have any school to fill up seven hours of my day, I don’t get tired, the days blend together, and everything about summer is draining.
Staying up all night just to wake up at nine and do it all over again is a really scary
This summer, I can already see it, I’m going to be working as much as I possibly can to try and fill up my endless amount of time.
Not to mention, it’s hot and humid. I don’t want to be sweaty and wear shorts all the time.
Even with friends in the summer, I know I will never be like the kids who get to have sleepovers every day, going on trips together, and spending every second with each other.
It’s just a real reality I have to realize I will not experience.
I read that exercising and going outside helps with depression so I think this summer I’m going to try and do that when I’m feeling it.