As an aspiring filmmaker, going out with a group of friends to create a short film is always one of the highlights of my school year.
It feels so great to play a part in something bigger, and share it to the world.
The process of making a film is a fun one.
It starts with me and the rest of my group brainstorming ideas for our project, creating a plot, writing a script and determining the characters and cast.
Next we begin filming, personally my favorite part of the process.
I’ve made 4 short films so far, and have acted in one, I’ve just always preferred being behind the camera, rather than in front of it.
Figuring out shots and directing the actors on what to do gives a sense on what actual filmmakers do in the professional world.
My crew usually only has one person who edits the movie together, who is not me. But I still enjoy looking over and seeing clips being turned into a full-on narrative.
Finally, once all the groups are finished, we watch them all.
Seeing your finished product on the television screen in K-10 is one of the most satisfying conclusions a project can have.
I think DTV is an underrated class in general and I’m surprised it isn’t a more popular class.
The idea of producing weekly content for a broadcast may seem like creating a large amount of work for some people, but as long as every student is doing their part it shouldn’t be stressful at all.
In fact, I see it as more stress relieving than stress causing.
It’s one of the more laid back classes the school can offer, with each student going at the pace that fits best for them.
I think getting behind the camera and creating content is a great learning experience for every student.
Classes like DTV and Newspaper have personally helped me become a better writer and have helped with learning to talk to people outside of my own circle.