Senior Adrian Brown high fives Senior Bryant Mocaby
Senior Bryant Mocaby pulls up for a shot
Senior Tyler Brown passes the ball
Senior Emilio Valentin gets ready for free throw
Sophomore Jacob Karsak waits to inbound the ball
Sophomore Tre Washington pulls up to shoot
Valentin pulls up for a shot
Coach Flory points to where a player needs to be
Brown driving to the basket
Brown shooting a free throw
Hood looks for a player to pass to
Valentin going for a lay up
Hood waits as Brown sets up play
Sophomore Grant Adler pulls up for a shot
Valentin waits to be subbed in
Sophomore Tre Washington had 12 points in the game
Senior Bryant Mocaby scored 12 points in the game
Senior Tyler Brown scored 30 points setting the season high
Brown shot four free throws for a late technical that gave Derby a big boost
Washington waiting to get subbed in
Washington shooting a free throw
Junior Dax Benway and others come out to finish the remaining of the game
Benway runs to set up play
Student holds up sign in the student section
Sophomore Nick Bonner shoots a free throw