Snow Day (Photo Gallery by Devon DuBree)

  • An american flag blows in the wind next to the roof a cathedral

  • Snow surrounds a frozen pond in the middle of a courtyard

  • Tanner Hopkins, a photographer from Derby High prepares to capture an abandoned train carriage covered with snow. Over the snow day Tanner and I decided to head down town and capture the first snow in nearly two years.

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Devon DuBree, Photographer

  • Snow surrounds a frozen pond in the middle of a courtyard

  • Leo, an 8 month old Boxer looks serious after going crazy in the snow

  • The snow covers the tops of the rocks.

  • Clean Streets, the streets down town the snow had been cleared but it covered the rooftops

  • An american flag blows in the wind next to the roof a cathedral

  • Tanner Hopkins, a photographer from Derby High prepares to capture an abandoned train carriage covered with snow. Over the snow day Tanner and I decided to head down town and capture the first snow in nearly two years.

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