Gardening Club plants (Photos by Karina Salinas)

  • DHS Gardening Club has begun to cultivate a numerous amount of plants, since it has recently become a club.

  • The spouts are labeled with popsicle sticks.

  • The Gardening Club is sponsored by science teacher Sara Pound. For more information contact at ([email protected]).

  • Some plants need light for more extended periods so they are placed under UV light.

  • Plants were recently bought from Lowe’s and have continued to grow.

  • Variety of lighting is required for a plant to grow; hang plant for less harsh lighting.

  • Gardening Club has been growing a large variety of flowers and vegetables, such as a Yellow Sunflower.

  • The plants receive natural lighting in order to grow.

  • Once the potted plants grow enough, they will be moved to either an outside location or a larger pot.

  • The DHS greenhouse has other plants like succulents and etc.

  • All plants are monitored and watered by club members regularly.

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