Player runs with the ball on the field.
Player runs with the ball on the field.
Players practice on sideline.
Player walks off the field.
Players wait for the play to start.
Player runs with the ball on the field.
Player runs with ball on the field.
Kid takes photos on the sidelines.
Player gets ready for the next play.
Player runs on the field.
Player moves to block other player.
Player is getting tackled by other players.
Player runs with the ball.
Players watch the game from the sidelines.
Players wait for the play.
Player runs with the ball.
Coach checks out players knee.
Player tackles another player.
Player runs with the ball.
Player runs with the ball.
Football players high five the little league football squad
People high five the little league football squad.
People high five the little league football squad.
Football players high five the little league football squad.
Player waits for the play.
Players measures themselves to make sure they are in the right spots.
Player starts to run when he gets the ball.
Player runs with the ball.
Player runs away from other players.
Player tries to tackle other player.
Player runs with ball.
Player runs with the ball for touchdown.
Player congrats other player for the touchdown.
Player runs with ball.
Player runs with the ball.
Player scores touchdown.
Player dodges other player.
Player runs for touchdown.
Player runs for touchdown but another player tries to tackle him.
Player runs for touchdown.
Young quarterback passes ball to another player.
Player runs for touchdown.
Player runs for a touch down.
Young player wipes mouth from drink of water.
Young player takes drink of water.
Young football player dodges another player.
Player runs for end zone.
Player runs with football.
Young Derby football team tries to tackle each other.
Coach leans over player to check on injured player.
Player takes a knee for injured player.
Player takes a knee for injured player.
Player tries to get past everyone
Player runs past the high school football team
Player waits for the play.
Player listens to coaches direction.
Player runs past football team for touchdown.
Player runs out of tunnel.
Player runs out of tunnel.
player runs out of tunnel.
Player runs out of tunnel.
Player runs out of tunnel.
Player walks down the field.
Player runs out of tunnel.
Player scores touchdown.
Players celebrate touchdown.
Injured player gets carried off the field.
Player runs for touchdown.
Player runs out of tunnel.
Young football player tries to tackle other player with the ball.