Football players after a tackle.
Pantherette dances to the band’s music.
Junior Lexi Schott cheers with the team.
Junior Lexi Schott cheers with the team.
Mellophone player performs during halftime.
Mellophone section performs during halftime.
Student section throwing powder into the air to show their spirit.
Student section throwing powder into the air to show their spirit.
Student section preparing to throw powder in the air in spirit of the game.
Football players get ready to pass the ball.
Football players celebrating after a good play.
Color guard member strikes an emotional pose during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Band member performs during the halftime performance.
Head drum major, senior Lauren Snead conducts the band during the halftime performance.
Dance team carries one of their fellow Pantherette members.
Pantherette jumps in the air during the halftime performance.
Band members walking out onto the field to prepare for the halftime performance.
Band members walking out onto the field to prepare for the halftime performance.
Football coach Brandon Clark makes a huddle with some team members to share his feedback.
Senior Maddy Reitmayer runs with the flag, celebrating a touchdown.
Senior Maddy Reitmayer runs with the flag, celebrating a touchdown.
Junior Henry Blaag (left) and senior Brandon Beal walk to the bleachers with their plumes.
Band members celebrating after the football game, resulting in 77-0.
Band members celebrating after the football game, resulting in 77-0.
Band members celebrating after the football game, resulting in 77-0.
Junior Noah DeVault plays the drums after the football game.
Principal Gretchen Pontious stands with the paint gang, waiting for the football players to run through the tunnel.
Football player looks around waiting for the next play.
Football players preparing to tackle.
Football vs. Campus (Photos by Mikah Herzberg)
Mikah Herzberg, Design Editor
September 13, 2024