Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player gets ready to kick the ball to pass to a teammate.
Player jogs to position.
The sun sets behind the stadium gates.
Player watches play as walking back to position.
Players looks for someone to pass the ball too.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player smiles as walking to position.
Player kicks ball to pass to ateammate.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player kicks ball to pass to another teammate.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player jumps to avoid getting hit by other player.
Coach Paul Burke walks out on field to tell players good job at halftime.
Coach Paul Burke and Player fist bump during half time.
Players listen to Coach Paul Burke at the end of the field during halftime.
Players listen to Coach Paul Burke at the end of the field during halftime.
Player waits for ball to land from being in air.
Player gets ready to run to get open for the ball.
Player shows shocked reaction to a call made by referee.
Players walks to position.
Player shows shocked reaction to a call made by referee.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Goalie prepares to kick ball to a teammate.
Player passes the ball to teammate.
Player walks to position.
Players jogs to get open for the ball.
Player lies on the field injured.
Player sits on the field.
Player tries to get open to be passed to.
Player waits for ball to land on the ground.
All players gather for corner kick.
All players watch to see if ball is going to go in the goal.
Soccer ball soars through the air.
Player looks for someone to pass the ball to.
Player gets up from falling on ground.
Player walks off of the field.
Player gets ready to capture the ball from pass.
Player runs after the soccer ball as it soars through the air.
Player bounces ball off of leg.
Player gets ready to run with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player shuffles ball between feet .
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player throws ball in from sidelines.
Player prepares to throw ball in from sidelines.
Player throws ball in from sidelines.
Player walks to position.
Player jogs to get ball from pass.
Player poses after scoring goal.
Players congratulate each other after scoring goal.
Player and assistant Coach talk to each other on sidelines.
Player jogs back to position.
Players race to get to the ball.
Player gets in front of the other player to possess the ball.
Player keeps possession of ball from other players.
Player tries to stop ball from being in the air.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player tries to get open for a pass.
Player prepares to kick the ball.
Players hug after scoring goal.
Players run back to position after scoring goal.
The scoreboard shows the score between Derby versus Goddard at the end of the game.
Players congratulate each other for winning the game.
Player walks in line to high-five the other team.
Players walk back to bench after high-fiving the other team.
Player walks back to bench after high-fiving the other team.
Players jog to other side of field to wave to their fans.
Players form circle to talk after the game.
Coach Paul Burke applauds player after making a score.
Player runs to get open for a pass.
Player runs to get open for a pass.
Player gets ready to receive a pass.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs to get open for a pass.
Player runs to possess ball.
Player kicks ball to a teammate.
Player runs to get open for a pass.
The sun sets behind the stadium as players play on the field.
Goalie prepares to kick ball to a teammate.
Player jogs to position.
Player gets ready to defend goal.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs to get open for a pass.
Player shoves other player to possess the ball.
Player runs to possess the ball.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Players talk to each other on sidelines.
Player runs to possess the ball.
Goalie prepares to kick ball to a teammate.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs to position.
Player gets ahead of ball to receive ball from pass.
Player is injured.
Injured Player and Assistant walk off the field together.
Player walks off the field after being injured.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
The sun sets behind stadium as players play on the field.
The sun sets behind the stadium.
The sun sets behind stadium as players play on the field.
Player waits for ball to be thrown in.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player walks off of the field.
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Goddard (Photos by Kaelyn Kissack)
Kaelyn Kissack, Website Editor
September 24, 2024