Player runs with the ball around opponents.
Junior Nick Bruening runs with the ball down the field.
Junior Jonathon Esquivel Basurto protects the ball from opponent player.
Player looks at an opening to score a goal.
Player kicks the ball.
Senior Angel Vielmastries to steal ball from opponent.
Senior Aristide Odux runs with the ball down the field.
Players gather in a circle before the game starts.
Player runs with the ball toward goal.
Player is injured.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Players run after the ball as it soars through the air.
Senior Alex Pham kicks the ball.
Junior Jonathon Esquivel Basurto runs to steal the ball from opponent.
Players fight for the ball.
Senior Angel Vielmas kicks the ball.
Senior Alex Pham waves to the crowd as name is announced.
Player tries to steal ball from opponent.
Player attempts to score goal.
Senior Alex Pham fights for the ball.
Junior Jonathon Esquivel Basurto protects the ball from opponent.
Junior Ethan Mbawuike runs to get to the ball.
Player fights for the ball against opponent.
Junior Ethan Mbawuike runs with the ball down the field.
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Goddard (Photos by Ella Davidson)