Player shouts during play.
Junior Angel Campos Barajas shuffles ball between feet.
Junior Angel Campos Barajas tries to keep possession of ball.
Junior Angel Campos Barajas tries to keep possession of ball.
Junior Angel Campos tries to keep possession of ball.
Player passes ball to teammate.
Senior Angel Vielmas runs for the ball .
Players run after ball.
Junior Jonathan Esquivel Basurto makes a corner kick.
Junior Jonathan Esquivel Basurto makes a corner kick.
Player pushes self back up from ground after kicking the ball.
Player kicks the ball.
Player tries to steal ball from opponent.
Player tries to steal ball from opponent.
Player gets shoved by opponent player.
Player kicks ball.
Player blocks opponent from stealing ball.
Player runs after ball.
Players fight for the possession of ball.
Players line up in front of goal.
Senior Aristide Odoux waits for a play to start.
Players run after ball.
Players look up at the ball soar in the air.
Goalie dives for the ball.
Player gets ready to head the ball.
Players runs to get open for ball.
Player runs to get open for ball.
Player shouts during play.
Junior Angel Campos Barajas shuffles ball between feet.
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Andover (Photos by Delainey Stephenson)
Delainey Stephenson, Social Media Editor
September 27, 2024