A couple of bits of information as we enter Homecoming week.
Spirit week is going on all week. We’d love to have you participate! And- please take a few minutes in your Pr1meTime Monday-Thursday to count the number of students participating and report it on the google form you will be sent (it should arrive about 15 minutes before Pr1meTime starts each day). I will attach the graphic describing the days again so you will have that info.
Thursday is the parade! It starts at 6:00 pm- details also attached. We will also have kids out all day Thursday building class floats at the transportation center. We will send out these lists mid-week.
Friday night we play Valley Center at 7 pm in the homecoming game. Coronation of the homecoming king and queen will happen at half time. Students will vote on Wednesday and Thursday through the google form they will receive in their school e-mail.
The homecoming dance is Saturday from 8-10 pm in the gym. Tickets will be on sale all week in the finance office for $10. We can always use more help filling water cups and supervising the kids, so if you’d like to attend as a chaperone, let me know!