Girls swim at Hutchinson (April 19) photo gallery by Regina Waugh
April 19, 2018
Photos by Regina Waugh
Junior Torrie Dutcher swimming breast stroke in the 200 yard medley relay at the Hutchinson meet.
Junior Torrie Dutcher swimming freestyle in the 200 yard medley relay.
Senior Megan Keil swimming freestyle in the 200 yard medley relay.
Freshman Sophia DiGregorio swimming butterfly in the 200 yard independent medley.
Junior Promise Asher swimming in the 200 yard freestyle.
Junior Promise Asher, sophomore Breanna Mehringer and sophomore Rachel Dworak cheer on teammate sophomore Allison Mehringer.
Garden City, Hutchinson, Derby and Rose Hill swimmers cheer on the last Hutch swimmer in the pool finishing her 500 yard freestyle.
Sophomore Jessica Keasey preparing to make a flip turn.
Sophomore Jessica Keasey swimming in the 500 yard freestyle.
Sophomore Rachel Dworak swimming in the 200 yard freestyle relay.
Sophomore Jessica Keasey swimming in the 200 yard freestyle relay.
Junior Ashley Lindstrom comes up for air after a flip turn during the 200 yard freestyle relay.
Sophomore Breanna Mehringer swimming in the 100 yard backstroke.
Junior Ashley Lindstrom swimming in the 100 yard breaststroke.
Sophomore Haylee Lindstrom swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Sophomore Addison Karsak swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Sophomore Allison Mehringer swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Freshman Sophia DiGregorio swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Freshman Camille Pinkerton swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.
Senior Megan Keil swimming in the 400 yard freestyle relay.