Player runs with the ball to score a touchdown.
Player gets tackled by opponent player.
Player runs with the ball down the field.
Player gets ready for the next play.
Player tackles opponent player.
Player talks to teammates.
Player tackles opponent player.
Player runs with the ball, to avoid opponents.
Player scores a touchdown.
Senior Mallory Baker waits for homecoming king and queen to be announced.
Seniors Mallory Baker and Boston Dunn hug after being named homecoming kind and queen.
Senior Boston Dunn shows shocked look on face after being named homecoming king.
Senior Da Saahn Brame waits for next quarter to start.
Player preapres to throw the ball.
Player watches game from sideline.
Player watches game from sideline.
Player watches game from sideline.
Player prepares to throw the ball.
Homecoming vs. Valley Center (Photos by Magnolia LaForge)
October 11, 2024