Staff vs. Student Basketball Game (Photos by Caitlyn Dunn)

Photos by Caitlyn Dunn, Newspaper photo editor

Senior Bryant Mocaby goes in for a slam dunk before the Senior V. Staff game started on April 18.
Students in the Madrigals sing The National Anthem at the Student V. Staff game.
Junior Tore Alford laughs at the Staff V. Student game while being a referee.
Principal Tim Hamblin dribbles the ball while trying to find someone to pass the ball to.
Senior Bryant Mocaby gets irritated with the way the referee is calling the shots during the Staff V. Student game on April 18.
Security officer Matt Garvey focuses on where his feet are placed before throwing the basketball on his first free throw.
Security officer Matt Garvey chases Senior Jaden Taylor trying to take away the ball from her.