Band performing halftime show
Players excited after play
Player running to locker room after win
Band performing halftime show
Players exited after touchdown
Flag girl pointing to the sky while performing halftime show
Flag girl waving flag in the air
Band performing halftime show
Flag girl waving flag in the air
Player jumping over other player
Player running with the ball
Players putting helmets in the air
Dancer performing halftime show
Player runs with the ball
Band performing halftime show
Student section puts hands in the air
Football players and pantherettes huddle before game
Pantherettes Perform halftime show
Student section makes tunnel for football players
Band performs halftime show
Player attempts to catch ball
student section puts hands in the air
Flag girl flips flag in the air
Players wait for play to be called
band excited during the game
Pantherettes perform halftime show
Student section poses for camera.
Band performs halftime show
band and flag girls perform halftime show
band preforming halftime show
Football, band and pantherettes huddle after game.
Flag girl performs halftime show
Player waits for the play