Player stands on the sideline and watches the game.
Player grabs onto the leg of opposing player.
Two players stand on the sideline watching the game.
Player gets into position.
Player looks at the coaches on the sideline before getting into position.
Player runs into the end-zone to score a touchdown.
Multiple players tackle opposing team player.
Players runs into the end-zone.
Two player celebrate a touchdown together.
Players run on and off the field.
Players celebrate a touchdown.
Player tries to block opposing player.
Player looks off the field.
Two players celebrate a touchdown.
Player runs on the field.
Pantherette looks at a teammate.
Pantherette smiles while talking to other Pantherette member.
Player runs with the ball down the field towards the end-zone.
Player gets into position.
Two students stand under an umbrella as it rains.
Football vs. Junction City (Photos by Persephone Ivy)
November 9, 2024