Derby home track meet photo gallery (Photos by Regina Waugh)
May 7, 2018
Photos by Regina Waugh
Senior Adrian Brown in the high jump.
Freshman Aneesa Abdul-Hameed.
Freshman Aneesa Abdul-Hameed smiling as she crosses the finish line for her race.
Junior Andrew Kennedy in the hurdle event.
Senior Adrian Brown leaping over the hurdles as he’s in the lead.
Senior Tyler Brown curves his body in the air around the bar in the high jump.
Senior Adrian Brown leaping into the air for the long jump event.
Senior Adrian Brown landing in the sand in the long jump event.
Sophomore Brianna Moore throwing shot put.
Senior Tyler Brown focusing in the pole vaulting event.
Senior Tyler Brown running with the pole to gain momentum.
Senior Tyler Brown planting the pole in order for him to fly into the air.
Senior Tyler Brown being lifted into the air during the pole vault event.
Senior Tyler Brown controlling his body movements in order to hop over the bar.
Junior Dakota Gayer trying to run past his opponent.
Sophomore Bradon Unkel rounding the corner of the track.
Sophomore Seth Smith racing to catch up to his opponents.
Junior Marissa Dill focusing all her energy into her arm as she throws shot put.