ASL students painting (Photos by Jillian Wedman)

  • Many different colors of Acrylic paint are se up on a long table in the middle of the room.

  • The ASL students prepare for painting by gathering the Acrylic paint into palettes.

  • The painter bases their painting off of a coffin. The coffin will be painted in a way on the hands as the sign for that word is in sign language.

  • The painter starts with the basics of the watermelon. They use green paint to paint the base of the fruit.

  • The painter adds the pink of the watermelon and the seeds.

  • The hands that are used as the canvas dried their hands on a fan found in the far corner of the ASL room.

  • Two bucket full of water are set up in the room to remove the paint from the hands.

  • The painter uses the sign for pop. They use Pepsi to symbolize what the sign means.

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