The infield of the softball team does a chant before they start playing.
Senior Kiya McManus pitches one of the first pitches of the 6th inning.
Junior Courtney Cline right before she swings her bat to try and hit the softball.
Freshman Amber Howe playing 3rd base runs to catch a foul ball.
Senior Brooke Prunier playing catcher.
Senior Brooke Pruiner throwing the ball back to the pitcher.
Senior Olivia Steinert takes her first steps to get ready to swing her bat towards the softball.
Sophomore Mariah Wheeler runs from 2nd base to 3rd base attempting to get another point for her team.
Junior Madison Young attempts to bunt the ball so she can get to 1st base.
Sophomore Mariah Wheeler and freshman Amber Howe high-five after Wheeler scores the point ending the second softball game.