Junior Gabriella Zambrana fights off her opponent on the mat.
Junior Gabriella Zambrana tries to free herself from her opponent’s grasp.
After her loss, junior Gabriella Zambrana hugs her opponent.
Junior Brooke Downs tries to pin her opponent.
Junior Brooke Downs tries to pin her opponent.
The ref holds up junior Brooke Down’s arm to signify her victory.
Junior Jeira Schwind is ready in a neutral position.
Left: Coaches Garret Labarge and The wrestling coaches
The opponent tries to bring junior Jeira Schwind to the mat.
The wrestling coaches and teammates watch junior Jeira Schwind’s match.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag tries to pin her opponent.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag goes to shake her opponent’s hand after winning her match.
Left: Varsity wrestling teammates juniors Brooke Downs and
Juniors: Brooke Downs pins teammate Dacia Root.
Juniors: Brooke Downs helps up Dacia Root.
Juniors: (left) Dacia Root and Brooke Downs walk off the mat together.
The ref is waiting to signal for a pin.
Junior Chloe Spears is in a neutral stance.
Junior Chloe Spears tries to pin her opponent.
Junior Chloe Spears wins her match.
Senior Myrta Sanchez grips onto her opponent.
Senior Myrta Sanchez grips onto her opponent.
Teammates talk with each other after senior Myrta Sanchez’ match.
Senior Caitlyn Van Praag is in a neutral stance.
Junior Chloe Spears encourages her teammate.
Junior Chloe Spears tries to pin her opponent.
Junior Madison Miller puts her opponent in a headlock.
Junior Madison Miller wins her match.
Junior Jeira Schwind wins her match as well.
Girls wrestling tournament at Valley Center (Photos by Ava Mbawuike)
Ava Mbawuike, Index, Photo Editor
December 8, 2024