Wrestler pinning opponent.
Coach giving advice.
Team mates giving encouraging advice during the round.
Wrestler pinning opponent.
Junior Brook Downs with oponente.
Wrestler pinning opponent.
Senior Chloe Speers pinning down opponent.
Opposites hugging while being announced.
Team does high fives after being announced.
Senior Caylee Heading fighting to get out of hold.
Boys wrestlers wrestling.
Freshman Hailey Freeman fighting to stay up.
Coach giving advice.
Seniore Caylee Headings wrestling her opponent.
Wrestler pinning down opponent.
Wrestler pinning down opponent.
Kids wrestling walking in the gym.
Team does high fives after being announced.
Opposites shake hands.
Opposites shake hands.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag with opponent.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag being declared winner.
Team huddles after round.
Junior Brook Downs pinning down opponent.
Opposites shake hands.
Junior Quentin WIlliams holding injured leg.
Senior Caylee Headings encouraging her teammate.
Wrestler throwing opponent down.
Wrestler pinning opponent.
Freshman Hailey Freeman shaking opponents hand before match.
Team mates giving encouraging advice during the round.
Boys wrestler attempting to pin wrestler down.
Boys and Girls Varsity Wrestling (photos by Stevie Hoppock)
December 20, 2024