Teacher Kathleen O’Brien talks about DNEA.
Teacher Kendal Warkentine speaks for a five minute duration about the social studies curriculum that was voted down.
The BOE listens to a patron speak.
Teacher Rowe Hinkle hands out documents to the BOE for his speech.
Teacher Rowe Hinkle speaks for a five minute duration about the social studies curriculum that was voted down.
Teacher Angie Draney speaks for a five minute duration about the social studies curriculum that was voted down.
Teacher Kendal Warkentine hands the BOE documents for one of the patron’s speeches.
Teacher Jimmy Adams speaks for a five minute duration about the social studies curriculum that was voted down.
Paraprofessional Karen Runyon speaks for a five minute duration about the social studies curriculum that was voted down.
Derby BOE meeting Jan. 13
Ava Mbawuike, Index, Photo Editor
January 13, 2025