Junior Tobin Snider enjoys team talk.
Coach Flory walks along sideline as he looks up at scoreboard.
Senior Jaxson Malvo shoots a 3 point shot.
JV players sit on the sideline.
Players sit on sidelines while they watch the game.
Senior Jack Ulwelling shows admiration after scoring.
Senior Mason Bui defends the opponent.
Senior Jack Ulwelling shoots a 3 pointer.
Boys varsity team huddles up, as they pump each other up before the game starts.
Junior Henry Blaag plays trumpet in the student section.
Junior Derek Albert plays cowbell in the band section.
Boys varsity team huddles up, as they pump each other up before the game starts.
Senior Jaxson Malvo looks at the play happening.
Senior Mason Bui defends Valley Center player.
Senior Brayden Smith shoots a 2 pointer.
Student Section supports Derby varsity.
Senior Cayden Titus shoots a practice shot.
Senior Mason Bui stands in position.
Junior Cale Clingan goes for a dunk.
Band Director conducts the band.
Student plays drums in the drum section.
Junior Gavin Chadwick, Sophomore Avant Riley And Jaydon Murray have a blast on the court.
Coach watches the game from the sideline.
Senior Jack Ulwelling standing in position.
Coach Garvy helps senior Jack Ulwelling for basketball strategies.
Junior Cale Clingan bows down for National Anthem.
Junior Cale Clingan defends opponent.
Player shoots the ball.
Player defends goal against Valley Center.
Junior Tobin Snider enjoys team talk.
Coach Flory walks along sideline as he looks up at scoreboard.
Boys Varsity Basketball vs Valley Center (Photos by France Cueto)
February 5, 2025