Senior Caitlin Van Praag wrestles her opponent.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag wrestles her opponent.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag points to the crowd after her victory.
Senior Caitlin Van Praag’s hand is raised to signify her victory.
Senior Liam Coultis lifts his opponent in the air.
Senior Liam Coultis is confused by the call.
Senior Liam Coultis wrestles his opponent.
Junior Dacia Root wrestles her opponent.
Junior Dacia Root wrestles her opponent.
Junior Dacia Root lost her match.
Junior Dacia Root is consoled by coach Heincker.
Junior Chloe Spears wrestles her opponent.
Junior Chloe Spears wrestles her opponent.
Junior Chloe Spears wrestles her opponent.
Junior Michael Yearby wrestles his opponent.
The ref watches for a pin.
Junior Michael Yearby wrestles his opponent.
Junior Michael Yearby wrestles his opponent.
Coaches (left) Connor Penka and Garrett LaBarge watch junior Michael Yearby’s match.
Senior Mimi Sanchez wrestles her opponent.
Senior Mimi Sanchez shakes her opponent’s hand after she loses.
Senior Mimi Sanchez goes to shake the opposing coaches hands.
Senior Tanner Heincker wrestles his opponent.
Senior Tanner Heincker walks of after he loses his match.
Senior Liam Coultis wrestles his opponent.
Coaching staff cheers on senior Liam Coultis.
Coaching staff cheers on senior Liam Coultis.
Former graduate, Aaden Hope cheers on senior Liam Coultis.
Senior Liam Coultis wins his match.
Junior Brooke Downs wrestles her opponent.
Junior Brooke Downs wrestles her opponent.
Junior Brooke Downs is upset after her loss.
Freshman Alejandro Dieguez wrestles his opponent.
Freshman Alejandro Dieguez wrestles his opponent.
Senior Bryley Davis and the crowd watch the match excitedly.
Senior Bryley Davis and the crowd watch the match excitedly.
Freshman Alejandro Dieguez points to the crowd after his win.
Senior Liam Coultis wrestles his opponent.
Sophomore Veronica Madrid wrestlers her opponent.
Sophomore Veronica Madrid wrestlers her opponent.
Sophomore Veronica Madrid shoots an arrow after winning the 6A title for. 155.0.
Sophomore Veronica Madrid hugs her dad after winning the 155.0 state title.
6A boys and girls state wrestling tournament (Photos by Ava Mbawuike)
Ava Mbawuike, Index, Photo Editor
March 2, 2025