Panther Pal’s Basketball Game photo gallery by Mya Studyvin (1/25/19)
Seniors Regina Waugh and Promise Asher cheer along with the rest of the crowd, holding signs
Mya Studyvin
January 27, 2019
Derby High School Basketball Band plays at Panther Pal’s game. Drummer, sophomore Nathan Jolly smiles at the camera.
Trombone players raise their instruments in sync to pep music
Number 21 takes a shot as the other team reaches their arms up to block him
Seniors Regina Waugh and Promise Asher cheer along with the rest of the crowd, holding signs
Number 3 holds his arms out open on the court
Two members of the Maize team look at each other as they’re about to hug
The student section cheers for the Panther Pal’s basketball team as they play against Maize
The Panthers cheer after a shot and number 21 shows off to the crowd
Senior Katlyn Kinkead, sophomore Chelsea Bell, junior Shelby Bishop, senior Rhiannon Thomas, freshman Julianna Eldridge and freshman Leah Blaufuss stand on the court during half time before their performance.
Sophomores Ann Tran and Chelsea Bell raise their pom-pom’s to their sides during their routine
The Panther Pal’s basketball players on the bench watch their teammates
Senior Cooper Ross leads the roller coaster with the Panther mascot
Senior Cooper Ross and the Panther mascot high five in the middle of the court
The final score displays on the scoreboard in the gym