Derby marching band “About Love” zero-hour practice (Photos by Jordan Allen)


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  • Before learning new sets the band stretches together to grasp the day strong.

  • Derby Band while stretching perform a uncommon move called “The Rollercoaster”.

  • Drum line puts on their drums to prep for 8 and 8s.

  • Guard Member , Marrissa Layton, stretches her split before practice.

  • Guard Members, Keelie Seyb and Rome Bruce, stretch out their legs together in a block.

  • Guard members take a break before hopping back onto the field.

  • Drum Major, Hannah Ulrich, steps forward to show practice is beginning.

  • Drum Major, Hannah Ulrich, reaches her arms out left to right, mimicking her Drum Major peer, Abbie Grosso.

  • Drum Major, Hannah Ulrich, conducts upwards to set the tempo for the band students.

  • Drum Majors, Abbie Grosso and Hannah Ulirch, and Band Director, Mr. Devault, set to conduct the marching band show “About Love” .

  • Guard Director, Julie Martin, coaches for her first season following graduation in 2019.

  • Drum line crab walks from set to set, while running through Act One of the 2019-2020 marching band show “About Love”.

  • Band assistant walks around to correct the positioning on the field of the brass section.

  • Guard Members, Rome Bruce and Kelsie Bernstorf, practice correct technique, while running through Act One Part One dance.

  • Derby band wakes up before the sunrises to go over new material,

  • Guard member, Cora Belisile, performs Act One Part One dance for her peers.

  • Trombone player separates from her duo set partner to continue on the show.

  • Guard member, Marrissa Layton, puts on a show face before performing.

  • Band holds at attention until told to rest by band director, Mr.Devault.

  • Guard member, Kelsi Bernstorf, preps for her sashay.

  • Brass section plays beginning song of their show, while learning new set.

  • Guard Members, Rome Bruce and Kelsi Bernstorf, reach for the stars, while performing their routine.

  • Drum line holds to obtain correction from Band Director, Adam Devault.

  • Guard Members, Grace Cooke and Reese Braeger, saute their way through their new routine .

  • Trombone duo stand together to play a sweet tune.

  • Guard member, Grace Cooke, throws on a show face to express the love of the upcoming 2019 show.

  • Saxophones gather together in Act One to play an enchanting melody.

  • Stretching sideways Guard Members, Kelsi Bernstorf and Rome Bruce, deepen their Rond de jambe.

  • Trombone player holds inside the 30 yard line to project her show music.

  • Guard members, Keelie Seyb and Brooklynn Owings, go on releve, before hitting their plie.

  • Guard members, Marrissa Layton and Stormy Galleher, Rond de jambe onto the next set,

  • Guard Member, Rome Bruce, reaches her hand out to bring her character to life.

  • Guard Members, Rome Bruce and Kelsi Bernstorf, saute backwards, while facing one another.

  • Before heading to class the Derby Band comes together to gather up equipment.

  • Band student looks back to help other members gathering band equipment.

  • A fellow band member grabs a Drum Major stand to bring inside.

  • Band Leadership rolls up speaker cords before heading to their next class.

  • Drum Major, Abbie Grosso, gets on her knees to speed up the clean up process.

  • Drum major, Abbie Grosso, speaks with her fellow band members to see how practice went.

  • Drum Major, Abbie Grosso, poses to show how much fun can come out of hard work.

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