Derby player holds his intimidation face while heading out to the field.
Young Derby supporter stands with her family to support the Derby soccer team.
Young girl in the derby league heads to meet up with the rest of her team.
Derby Pantherettes settle down after performing half time.
Derby students sit in shock at the intensity of the Derby v. Northwest game.
Derby player runs towards ball as Northwest player approaches.
Derby player kicks ball as it approaches him.
Derby player leaps in the air following kicking ball.
Derby player preps on sideline to throw ball back into the field.
Derby player preps on sideline to throw ball back into the field.
Derby goalie prepares to block North Wests attempt at scoring.
Derby soccer player looks out deciding what to do next in the game.
Derby soccer players hug after scoring a goal in the second half of the game.
Derby soccer players hug after scoring a goal in the second half of the game.
Mr.Baldwin gazes as the soccer team heads out for half time.
Derby juniors gather and talk to soccer team while they warm up.
Mr.Baldwin supports soccer on the side lines.
Young girl supports Derby soccer team with her family.
Derby Pantherettes prepare to take half time.
Derby Soccer team gathers together with young league to take a picture before the game.