Senior Skylar Rivera paints the new panther graphic for the senior class float.
Senior Alex Le sits behind chicken wire.
Senior Juan Macias spray paints the football while senior Alex Le holds the paper up..
Senior Juan Macias spray paints the football while senior Alex Le holds the paper up..
Sophomore Analaura Edwards paints an old Derby logo for their yearbook themed float.
Senior Haylee York drinks a Pepsi during the lunch break.
Freshmen created posters of uniforms from now and then for their float.
Juniors work on their dance themed float.
Sophomores Abby Bringhurst and Mallory Anderson
Sophomore Mercer Thatcher paints a Derby logo.
Sophomores Abby Bringhurst and Mallory Anderson
Senior Elizabeth Anderson
Freshman Kendyl Rico blows a balloon to use for float decorations.
Freshman Kaia Briggs lies on the freshman float and a blows a balloon for decorations.
The juniors use a disco ball for their danced themed float.
Juniors show their green painted hands.
Junior Katie Spaulding paints her hand on the float.
Juniors painted their hands and names on their class float.
Junior Katie Bringhurst paints a jukebox.
Junior Katie Bringhurst paints.
Junior Danielle Springer Wheeler paints a jukebox.
Juniors Katie Bringhurst and Danielle Springer Wheeler painted jukeboxes for their class float.
Seniors Halle Rico, Imani Conner and Elizabeth Anderson sing to “Stacey’s Mom”.
Sophomores work on their float.
Seniors cut out the numbers 1869 for to recognize 150 years of Derby.
Seniors Starla Batemon and Courtney Brown cut out senior Skylar Rivera’s panther.
Seniors Imani Conner and Tristin Zaragoza