Maren Prince
March 4, 2021
I moved from Tallahassee, Florida, to Wichita in December, and I have compiled a list of what I like and dislike about living here so far:
Likes |
Dislikes |
- Lack of humidity
- Sunsets — they are always so vibrant
- Pretty fields
- The “open” feeling (not so many trees)
- The roads are nice and smooth — no potholes
- Lack of hills is nice for running
- How close I am to everything in the Derby/Wichita area
- There’s a lot of activities to do and restaurants to choose from
- Braum’s hamburgers — I had never tried Braum’s before I moved to Kansas and it’s really good
- Being centrally located and closer to extended family
- Dillons — I had never heard a branch of Kroger called this before
- The constant wind — I feel like my hair is always a mess
- The dry skin I always have from the climate
- Boring scenery — no beaches, mountains to look at
- The rare sun in the winter
- The gray feeling that I sometimes have when the sun isn’t out
- Earthquakes
- Threat of tornadoes