Prom set for May 1
March 12, 2021
Derby High School seniors and parents received a message via Skyward this afternoon confirming the scheduling of a Prom on May 1.
With Covid-19 restrictions such as limitations on mass gatherings still in place, Prom will altered from previous years to meet these accommodations.
Prom will be hosted at DHS on Saturday, May 1 from 8:00-10:30 p.m if permitted by the Sedgwick County Health Department.
DHS seniors will be allowed to pay for and register themselves and one guest for Prom, with the exception of outside guests. Underclassmen will only be allowed in attendance if accompanied by a senior.
Every guest will check-in upon entry with their DHS ID and couples must enter at the same time.
“We hope you understand the changes this year are necessary to try and provide this last chance for a Prom for the Class of 2021,” the message read. “Details on registration will be shared later.”