Fifteen juniors graduated Sunday
May 10, 2021
Fifteen juniors graduated on Sunday at Koch Arena, finishing hteir high school careers in three years.
They had various reasons for wanting to graduate early.
“I wanted to get a head start on my career and college.” junior Sophia Depew said.
Depew said being a three-year grad was hard for her, having to work two jobs and a full schedule is difficult, but she said she would highly recommend graduating early to incoming students.
Junior Suzann Guerro decided to graduate early this year during remote learning.
“I just thought it would be a great time to do it, because now that I am not distracted with all the school drama and other stuff I thought I need to focus on my needs and work on myself,” she said.
Junior Alejandra Vielmas Martinez had a different approach to why she wanted to be a three-year grad.
“I decided to graduate early when I was a freshman. I wanted to take a year off of school which would be my ‘senior year’ and work to save money for college,” Viemas Martinez said.
Shea also recommended that incoming students look to be three-year grads because it feels good graduating early she said.