Eye Catching (Story by Ayanna Wright)

At 6 a.m. most people are sleeping soundly, dreaming about their celebrity crushes. But not junior Abby Belisle. 

She’s up bright and early perfecting her eye makeup.

“I try to wake up at least two hours before school starts, and usually it can either take anywhere between 30 minutes or an hour,” Belisle said.

Although it may sound time consuming, she truly understands the most important part of eye makeup and its difficulty level.

“I can do eyeshadow pretty easily,” she said. “It’s really not that hard for me to blend, but when I’m doing eyeliner it takes majority of the time because it’s such a big part of it.”

She enjoys doing her standard eye makeup, but she also loves to switch it up and take inspiration from her closet and incorporate it with her look.

“Whenever I dress goth or emo I like to do these wicked cool looks everywhere on the face. Then, whenever I’m feeling a little bit classy I do like a little bit of eyeliner and then a lot of eyeshadow just for, like, my nice flowery dresses.”

Belisle has astonishing talent, but she didn’t start out with it. It took practice and confidence. 

“When I first started using eyeliner, I would use tape instead of actually doing like hand drawn things because (I was) just like, ‘I’m gonna mess it up if I don’t use tape.’” 

“After a little while I got the confidence to actually try to do it by myself, but it still took me a couple months to get it down under my fingers.”

Sometimes people give her and her eye makeup judging looks in the halls, but she holds her head up high.

“People look at me like (I’m) crazy and weird because I do these like crazy eyeliner styles, but who cares? I’m still gonna just go out there and do it.”

Even with having to deal with the stares, waking up early, and maintaining patience, Abby still loves to stride with pride in her makeup looks.