Opinions: Senior Year Struggles

Kyle DeVault

Growing up in a household with expectations of getting As and only an occasional B in tougher classes, I thought I would be prepared for senior year. 

I was wrong.

As a senior there are so many more things to think about besides getting As in classes.

First of all, there are all kinds of “fun” activities that people tell you you should go to because “it’s your last chance.” Like school dances. 

But if I don’t find activities like this fun, should I still go instead of having a night I would actually enjoy just because “it’s my last chance”?

There are also senior pictures and graduation stuff that are not exactly exciting, but people just tell you you have to do them because you’re a senior now. 

The party, the invites and the photos are all so exhausting, especially when trying to balance it with the regular school work load. 

The hardest part about senior year, however, is knowing that next year you’re on your own. Even if you’re not leaving home, it’s still crazy that next year we will no longer be going to school the same way we have been for 13 years. 

Some will go to college or tech school, some will go out and get a job, some will do nothing.

After 13 years of trying my hardest in school and getting an education to go into the world to do great things, I have no idea what to do.

That is something I wasn’t prepared for.