Promise Asher column: Students must wear IDs starting today


Shut up and deal with it.

Each student was issued a student identification card and given a lanyard. Administrators and teachers will strictly enforce the rule starting today.

It isn’t rare for us to adorn our necks with necklaces, scarves and lanyards; so why are identification cards any different?

It’s a small price to pay for the ease of mind that our school is secure. Derby isn’t the first school to require students to wear their ID cards. Also, it is a great way to ensure you don’t forget them at home if they are needed for other purposes, such as technology or library checkouts.

It almost seems like people don’t even mind wearing their ID cards, but rather it is a trend to oppose any sort of structure placed on students.

With the likely lack of cooperation from the students, administration might want to look at other actions to ensure students participate in the new rule.

Perhaps this can be done by requiring students to use their IDs for more purposes such as getting a lunch. Also, students could be required to show their ID to attend pep assemblies and special school events.

As Derby is buckling down on rules to ensure student safety, from the main staircase to easy identification, students will just have to adapt and understand student safety is in high school’s best interest.