Parent-teacher conferences not so scary anymore

Kaytlin Hilton


The casual conversations between the most important authority figures in your life used to be the most stressful situation a student could imagine.

The idea of going back to school after a long and hard school day was bad enough. And then there was the increasing anxiety of the conversation that could take place.

The behavior at home compared to the behavior at school is different for most students. Being respectful of your parents is completely different than respecting your peers.


Because society has allowed students to think of high school in such a negative way, that it directly impacts the attitude a student may have when entering the academic environment.

Classes are stressful; it’s not a joke. Students need a getaway whether that is laughing with their friends who mistakenly got put right next to them on the seating chart or watching music videos in class.

However, teachers see these things as distractions and when parents are face to face with them, the consequences in their head begin to form.

It’s not fun when your family teams up against you, let alone when your teachers AND your family create a whole new team.

However, the amount of anxiety that students used to face several years ago has begun to decrease. Students can now have a guided conversation with their parents, showing them their grades and explaining the reason that grade has been earned.

Parents can then ask students to talk to their teachers. Some teachers even offer extra credit to students who come to conferences.

For the average student, maybe parent-teacher conferences aren’t as terrifying as they used to be.