Red socks, blue socks, socks, socks, socks for a good cause

Hannah Berk

Derby HOSA Future Health Occupations sponsored Walktober during the month of October to support homeless shelters in the area.

Socks are often the most needed thing in homeless shelters but are often the least donated item because no one thinks that people are ever in need of something as basic as a warm pair of socks.

Collection bags were put in each homeroom at the beginning of the month, and the competition began.

The student body banded together to collect 806 pairs of socks. The socks were evenly split into two piles. One pile will be donated to jaydoc – a program through the KU med school to help patients. The other half will go to Episcopal Social Services and will be distributed to homeless and low-income populations.

A special thanks from Derby HOSA to everyone that donated and a special thanks to Ed Belsan’s homeroom for collecting the most socks. The homeroom will receive a candy treat during homeroom.