Senior ad deadline is Dec. 1

Jillian Jackson

Why buy a senior ad?

Well, an excellent reason for buying a senior ad — what most every high school student wants —  is recognition, to leave something that will be looked back on in the years after high school.

Think about it. When the conversation of your high school life comes up — and it will come up —  having a spot devoted to you will surely be the center of the conversation.

In later years, the new students of Derby High School look back at the yearbooks of old. They see your picture and begin to wonder who you are, all because you bought a senior ad.

You can buy a full page, half page, quarter page or an eighth page for a senior ad, which is the best opportunity to show off those amazing, expensive pictures.

Be remembered.

For more information go here: Senior ad contract.

Or you can go to or even e-mail [email protected].