Conversation about gun control prevalent

Jillian Wedman, Newspaper production editor, yearbook writer, photographer

Gun violence has become more common throughout the United States.

The result is a conversation about gun control.

It was a popular topic in the commons at Derby High School today because a student brought a gun onto campus. The student was arrested.

Gun control is a largely debated topic with many different aspects. There are those who would rather have gun control.

“I think it would be better to have gun control because there would be a lot less school shootings,” sophomore Toby Rodriguez said.

There are those who would rather not have gun control.

“I don’t think there should be gun control, because if someone does have a gun they could protect us from someone with a gun that wants to harm us,” sophomore Jaici Stanley said.

There are also those who are neutral on the topic and see both sides.

“I think we should have guns in case we need to be safe, but at the same time I don’t think we should be at the age to bring a gun to school. I think there needs to be more restrictions making it harder to get a gun,” junior Amanda Beilin said.