Q&A with Taylor Harris: shortened schedule

Haley Smith

Interview with Senior Taylor Harris about the joys of a shortened schedule.

Why did you decide to take a shortened schedule?

“I am finished with my credits, and I wanted more time for a job. Also it was a great opportunity to have a little extra free time to figure things out before college.”

How has a shortened schedule affected your senior year so far?

“My shortened schedule has made me realize how excited I am to graduate. It’s given me time to have some self-discovery.”

Do you enjoy having a shortened schedule?

“I absolutely love having a shortened schedule. It’s a really nice break after working really hard.”

What do you do in your newfound free time?

“In my free time I am working on photography and myself. I am also looking for a job.”

How many classes did you shorten your schedule by?

“I have three classes in the high school and I am taking Comp 1 and art appreciation online through Butler.”