How to take that perfect selfie

Jillian Wedman, Panther's Tale editor

Ever scroll through Instagram and notice those aesthetic accounts — perfect selfies. Luckily, it isn’t as hard as it looks to get a good quality photo of yourself or your friends. All you need is a phone or camera, a friend, a creative mind, maybe some music.

How to get that perfect portrait.

First, try changing perspective. A different perspective can make for a new and interesting photo instead of the tilted head and camera in front of your face. Try turning your head in different directions and getting a photo from that angle.

If a new perspective isn’t enough, experiment with light. Many times colorful light is portrayed across the face in Instagram photos as well as light shining through blinds. Get creative with the different light you use — doesn’t have to be a dark room and a flash.

Action shots are always fun. Jumping photos seem to be popular amongst social media as well as the classic foot pop. To add a new element to your selfie get a preparation shot before the finished photo. Wind is the enemy when trying to take a photo, but it can also create an amazing action photo if taken the right way.

Good selfies grab attention. So grab attention by adding these characteristics to your next selfie shoot. Don’t feel bad if you can’t pull off the duck face — it’s outdated anyway.