Poem: Donating blood is a good thing to do

Promise Asher, Yearbook copy editor

I signed up on Wednesday

Putting my name down at lunch

When it comes to donating blood

I am scared a bunch

10:45 came around

And I was ready

I drank water and ate

To assure I’d remain steady

I climb in the bus

Ready to give

Knowing my donation would help someone live

They ask me some questions

I’m ready and prepared

The kind nurse lady

Made sure I wouldn’t be scared

And then I heard the most sad news

I couldn’t believe it was actually true

“Your iron is too low”

Could it be so?

Although giving blood I could not do

Other Derby students sure came through

Plenty of blood to the Red Cross

So the effort was not a loss

To those with strong iron I ask you

Donate some blood, it’s a nice thing to do