American Sign Language hand painting photo gallery (photos By Kaitlyn Strobel)
May 8, 2018
A student picks out a certain brush for painting her partners hand.
A ASL student picks out a yellow paint and puts it in her palette.
The assortment of paints the ASL students have too choose from.
Junior Katy Yell and her partner paint a octopus on their hands.
Sophomore Jessica Keasey works on blending the colors together to paint a sunset.
Sophomore Bailey Murrow holds her hand still to get a Pepsi can painted on it.
Sophomore Jordan Crone paints the base color on Freshman Callie Knudson’s hand for a fish.
Sophomore Brooklyn Baxter holds her arm still to get colors blended.
The supplies that ASL students are allowed to have fo paint their hands.
A ASL student holds her hand up to get panted so its easier for her partner to paint.
Sophomores Jessica Keasey and Brooklyn Baxter mirror each other to see if they painted the correct hands
A ASL student paints the base color of black on her partners hand.
Freshman Callie Knudson and Sophomore Jordan Crone dry Callie’s hand so they can continue painting.
2 ASL students dry their hands.
Kaylia Murray paints her partners hand yellow for her project.
2 ASL students focus on the painting going on.
2 ASL students starting to do little touch ups too the hands too make them better.