Senior prank slips, slides through the commons

Jillian Wedman

When arriving at school Wednesday morning, music was heard playing in the Commons.

And down the middle of the commons was a slip-n-slide.

Hello, Derby High School senior prank 2018.

Seniors Ethan Foster, Ethan Pinkerton, Joel Craig and Jonathan Jones came up with the idea that the administration approved it. This year, Student Council did not plan the event.

“It was amazing. Got here super early. My favorite part was that (assistant principal Travis) Moore joined in. I thought it was going to go terrible — but it went the opposite,” senior Whitney Crawford said.

The slide was complete with beach balls, soap, colorful streamers, swimsuits, floaties and music.

“Everyone chanting his name and then him sliding,” senior Evan Clark said.

Senior Joel Craig spent his morning sliding — covered in soap.

“I slipped and slid. I brought the clamps that helped hold up the slide, a bucket and a bunch of duct tape. I got covered in scratches because of the tarp,” Craig said.

The slide was created Tuesday night. The seniors taped together pieces of tarp to keep them together and to hold the water.

Clark helped to clean up after the prank, along with senior Emily Hightower and the custodial staff. Clark kept the water from going over to the commons floor.

“It wasn’t bad, it actually went by really quickly. We actually kind of cleaned the floors, too,” Clark said.

“We couldn’t have done it without the janitors,” Hightower said.

“Big shoutout to the janitors,” Crawford said.

The event continued until the last bell — indicating the start of class and the end of the 2018 senior prank.