Vapor detectors a myth at DHS

Sophia DiGregorio

Even if there is nobody there, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get caught juuling.

Cameras can see your movements but there may be something that can detect the gases from the Juul.

A Juul detector perhaps?

Nope. Despite the rumors that there are JUUL detectors at Derby High, they don’t exist.

“I will stand on judgment day and assert the fact that I have not spent one dollar on a Juul detector,” principal Tim Hamblin said.

As JUUL use on campus has increased, students have been buzzing about the possible existence of Juul detectors in the bathroom.

“I feel like nobody has been caught by the Juul detectors, just by people snitching,” junior Gabi Hinojos said.

More students have been caught — and punished — for JUULing or possessing a JUUL on campus.

“The people who know not to Juul are in the bathroom when people decide to Juul and come and tell us, so we put our attention on the bathrooms,” Hamblin said.

Social media has also played a large role in the development of the Juul detector rumors.

This is how many students like senior Reagan Cowden heard about them.

But despite the number of people talking about it, nobody has seen anything different or at least something that could resemble a Juul detector in the bathrooms.

In fact, a lot of students didn’t believe that they were real from the beginning.

“After hearing my friends talk about the rumors, I still never really believed. It sounds kind of out there,” freshman Jay Bruce said.

A New York school is using a pilot program called Fly Sense, which is a sensor that detects vape smoke in places where you can’t put a camera, like a bathroom.

But again, they aren’t in Derby High.