Announcing the Derby journalism editors for 2019-20

Joanna Chadwick, Adviser

The Derby journalism program encompasses the Panther yearbook, The Panther’s Tale newspaper and

Editors are expected to provide leadership to their classmates, have journalistic integrity, be versatile, have a strong work ethic and be willing to fill in the gaps when needed.

I am thrilled to announce an outstanding group of editors who will do all that in the Derby High journalism program.


Chloe Brown, design editor

Kendal Meyer,  content editor

Jillian Wedman, production editor and business manager

Brown, Meyer and Wedman are a key trio of editors who have been leading the way since the end of last school year. The seniors are the core of the yearbook staff. All have been on staff for three years.

Sara Brown, assistant design editor

Mya Studyvin, copy editor

Kiley Hale, photo editor

Blake Chadwick, sports editor

Callie Knudson, assistant sports editor

Damien Matmanivong, video editor

Jay Warrick, website editor

Bre Mehringer, social media editor

These juniors along with Warrick and Mehringer, who are seniors, are in their second year of yearbook. All are stepping into leadership roles for the first time.

Jordan Allen, student life editor and marketing editor

Janeah Berry, clubs editor

Mersadie Kiewel, assistant photo editor

Taylor Mouser, assistant business manager

Josh Tillison, assistant business manager

Frani Medina, assistant marketing editor

Anela Lalani Tyrrell, assistant marketing editor

Nyla White, assistant marketing editor

Gavin Abshire, assistant marketing editor

Gabi Hinojos, assistant social media editor

These students are in their first year of yearbook. Hinojos, Abshire and Allen are seniors, while White, Lalani Tyrrell, Medina, Tillison, Mouser and Kiewel are sophomores. They have already entered with wonderful ideas, and I’m excited to see them discover their strengths.


Olivia Jones, design editor

Jones, a junior, is in her third year in newspaper and her second year as the design editor. Her experience is invaluable as we work to take the newspaper to the next level.

Mya Studyvin, copy editor

Katelin Taranovich, production editor

Emma Baxter, business manager

Jillian Wedman, student life editor

Studyvin and Baxter, both juniors, and Taranovich and Wedman, seniors, are in their second year of newspaper. They are a positive set of leaders, and the creativity is boundless.

Adrian Simmons, photo editor

Klaudia Manis, video editor

Alyssa Lai, website editor

Jordan Parcell, clubs editor

Jackson Davis, marketing editor

Reese Cowden, social media editor

Daniela Salazar Mata, social media editor

These seven students are all new to newspaper, and are already stepping into leadership roles. They have already thrown themselves into learning the ropes of newspaper and are readying for their first issue.