“I think it’s kind of dumb. They should have done it over the summer,” junior Mckenziee Bell said.
“I think it’s necessary, but it’s just kind of annoying, ” senior Gavin Sanborn said.
“It’s kind of stupid, but if you want a spot, you have to get here earlier, ” senior Kevin Washington said.
Where did you park today?
“In the student parking lot in the thirrd row,” Bell said.
“Today I parked in the student parking lot close to the front because no one thinks of it, ” Sanborn said.
“I parked in the student parking lot because I got here earl,y ” Washington said.
How long does it take you to park in the morning?
“I don’t know maybe five minutes,” Bell said.
“It usually takes me five minutes to park, ” Sanborn said.
“Not long at all,” Washington said.
Does the troubles with parking affect your attendance?
“Nope, because I come early,” Bell said.
“Sometimes the parking lot affects my attendance because I’ll be right on time with a just enough time and then end up being a little late,” Sanborn said.